Metaphysical Qualities of Natural Alexandrite


Natural Alexandrite Stone.

  • In appearance, rough unpolished Alexandrite is gritty and opaque. It shines bluish-green to reddish-purple when exposed to different light sources and is transparent when faceted. It is a rare and beautiful stone, much sought after by collectors and healers alike.

  • Natural Alexandrite Meaning

  • It symbolizes Royal power and an efficient guardian stone, supporting longevity and bringing about positive inner transformation.

  • Alexandrite is named after Tsar Alexandrite II of Russia because it was discovered on his birthday in 1830 in the emerald mines near the Urals.

  • The miners who discovered it noticed that it shone red in the firelight at night but looked green, like a raw emerald in the morning sunlight. Hence, they referred to it as a “ruby by night, emerald by day,” thereby adding to its overall sense of mystery.

  • Alexandrite has the reputation of bringing luck in love and imparting elegance and grace to the wearer.

  • The bi-colored nature of this gem gives it the attribute of balance and harmony. It helps the user to see both sides of an argument or situation and links the heart with the mind.

  • Psychologically, Alexandrite helps to rebuild self-respect and self-worth after any form of psychological trauma. It is a regenerative stone that allows you to realign your energies around a solid center or core, reinforcing your sense of who you really are.

  • Alexandrite helps you to assess your emotions and those of others accurately. It also allows you to integrate your intuitive feelings with your rational, discerning assessment of a given situation or person.

  • Mentally, Alexandrite encourages attunement to your inner voice and wisdom, amplifies creativity, and inspires imagination.

  • Metaphysical Properties of Alexandrite

  • Natural Alexandrite is believed to integrate and harmonize the physical and spiritual worlds and align the human biofield energies with the etheric or auric field.

  • It can be used to activate and open your Crown chakra, connecting you with the benevolent, healing energies of the Universe. It also strengthens intuition, boosts creativity, and stimulates the imagination.

  • Alexandrite can soothe an over-active mind and is suitable for over-thinkers who struggle to calm their minds.

  • If you are the type of person who has difficulty letting go of rigid codes of self-discipline, this crystal will remind you that life is fleeting. It is OK to allow yourself to simply be, enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and release punitive thoughts or behaviors.

  • Alexandrite carries an optimistic vibration. It brings hope and encouragement to even the most desperate of situations.

  • Natural Alexandrite is thought to bring luck, good fortune, and love. It is a stone of good omen, and its quality of changing color according to the light source has led many to consider it a powerful reminder that this life is not the only one we can access.

  • We are reminded that we are beings of light having a human experience, not humans having an occasional spiritual experience.

  • Using Alexandrite

  • Alexandrite can be found in many beautiful pieces of jewelry. It was the famous house of Tiffany in New York that first brought the attractive qualities of this remarkable stone into global prominence.

  • You can wear Alexandrite as jewelry on your person or carry a piece of the stone in your pocket, wallet, or purse to access its beneficial vibrations throughout the day.

  • The Benefits of Using Alexandrite

  • Natural Alexandrite has benefits for physical, emotional, and mental health. It is a good choice for chakra balancing and cleansing as it helps to integrate the energies of the head and heart, clears lower vibrations of fear from the etheric body, and energizes the heart chakra.

  • The Healing Powers of Alexandrite

  • Emotional Healing Powers

  • Natural Alexandrite has a high vibration of hope and optimism. It can ease fears, soothe anxieties, and restore a positive outlook when times have been challenging. Alexandrite resonates with the vibration of the Heart chakra. This chakra is all about love, not just romantic love, but love in all of its forms and on all levels.

  • Self-love is essential if we want to have a healthy emotional body. Self-love generates self-esteem and self-worth. Alexandrite can be used to work on these areas of your emotions and feelings if you hold it in your hand during meditation.

  • It can also be placed nearby when you are working or relaxing. It serves to remind us that the world is constantly changing, that people also change and evolve, and that change can be an excellent catalyst for the growth of a new and better version of you.

  • Alexandrite and Physical Health

  • Many crystal healers believe that Alexandrite can help balance the nervous system, soothe inflammation, and relieve tension in the neck muscles. It is also thought that this crystal has a beneficial, supportive effect on the pineal and pituitary glands.

  • Alexandrite and Wealth

  • Although the stone is a relatively new find for humans, Alexandrite is often used as an abundance stone. Meditating with this crystal and programming a piece of Alexandrite with positive intentions can help you attract the resources, wealth, and opportunities you need to achieve financial freedom.

  • Alexandrite has also acquired something of a reputation as a good luck talisman for gamblers. Some say that it increases your chances of winning! It certainly helps to increase your confidence in your intuitions and decisions regarding financial matters.

  • Alexandrite also protects the wearer from anyone wishing to deceive or manipulate you over money or business transactions as a good luck talisman.

  • Alexandrite for Love and Relationships

  • Alexandrite has the reputation of bringing harmony into discordant relationships. The bi-colored nature of the stone has led to the belief that Alexandrite will help you see both sides of any argument or situation and find a mutually agreeable solution to any relationship problems you may experience.

  • Alexandrite is a crystal that will encourage love and romance through its natural ability to bring joy into everyday life. It is especially helpful to people who deny themselves even the simplest pleasures through fear, responsibilities, or just the general busyness of their lives.

  • This crystal has a beneficial effect on your emotional state by calming and soothing the nerves, allowing the brain to take a much-needed rest at times, and promoting a sense of appreciation for all of the good people in your life.

  • It promotes self-esteem and self-confidence, allowing you to make space for new people to enter your emotional life.

  • Alexandrite is believed to help couples bring strong relationship bonds and face their challenges together, without falling back on blame or fault-finding when things get tough.

  • Alexandrite allows your heart and your mind to integrate their energies so that you can be loving, discerning, rational, and passionate at the same time.

  • Chakras and Alexandrite

  • Alexandrite resonates with the vibrations of the Base or Root chakra and with the Heart chakra. In addition, it has a powerful frequency that “shakes out” negativity from the energetic body, making it an ideal companion in a chakra balance or cleanse.

  • Use it at the Base chakra to encourage grounding and stability, and at the Heart chakra, open a closed Heart center to more love.

  • When the Heart chakra is out of balance, this can lead to feelings of isolation, fear, anger, and bitterness that permeate all aspects of our lives. Sometimes, these blockages occur through betrayal or abuse by another.

  • Our Heart center may freeze or put up walls and barriers to prevent us from repeating the trauma and pain we have experienced.

  • Unfortunately, the opposite effect is usually the result of such “protection,” and the Heart chakra needs to be gently healed, opened, and activated so that we are open to both giving and receiving love.

  • Alexandrite is an excellent stone for this purpose and can be combined with Rose Quartz and Rhodochrosite to give the heart the support it needs.

  • When working on the Base chakra, Alexandrite can be combined with Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Black Obsidian, or Magnetite.

  • When the Base chakra is out of balance, we can feel fearful and anxious about our physical world and material needs. We can even feel our very survival in jeopardy, especially if outside circumstances are bringing financial or physical health challenges into our lives.

  • At times like these, it is essential to reestablish your connection with the solidity and stability of the Earth. A weak or blocked Base chakra may manifest itself as lower back problems, issues with the lower abdomen, or pain in the hips.

  • To ground yourself and to give yourself a secure base from which to face any challenges, try using Alexandrite in combination with Magnetite to align your magnetic field to that of Mother Earth. You can carry pieces of these crystals in your pockets near the base of your spine, and you can also incorporate them into a grounding routine as follows:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart and place your hands lightly on your hip bones. Slowly rotate your lower body as you press your feet into the ground. Work in ever-widening circles, firstly rotating clockwise and then anti-clockwise for at least ten rotations each way.

  • Visualize a smooth pebble or tumbled stone of Alexandrite sitting low down in your pelvic region. Slowly move this pebble around and see it becoming larger with each rotation.

  • Decrease the circles and slowly bring your body back to stillness. The pebble is still sitting comfortably at the base of your body, anchoring you to the solidity of the Earth.

  • This exercise will calm your fears and allow you to see your situation as it is. It will help you approach problems with a clear mind to find the best solution without letting your emotions become overwhelmed in worry and dread about a potential outcome.

  • Crystals to Combine with Alexandrite

  • Alexandrite can also be combined with many other crystals for different purposes. If you want to soothe your nerves and bring your nervous system into balance, try combining Alexandrite with Fire Agate, Charoite, Amazonite, or Aquamarine.

  • Alexandrite works well with garnet, Tiger’s Eye, Sapphire or Red Jasper if your willpower needs a boost.

  • How to Cleanse and Charge Alexandrite

  • Alexandrite measures 8.5 on the Mohs scale for hardness, meaning that it is a tough and robust crystal that will take a lot of wear.

  • It is not indestructible, however, and to avoid scratches or damage to your stone, use cold or lukewarm water to clear away any surface dust or debris. A very soft brush may be used if you are cleaning intricate jewelry pieces.

  • To charge your Alexandrite, you can use a variety of methods. You may see advice on crystals that mentions “programming” your stones. It simply means using a ritual to connect your intentions to the vibration of the crystal.

  • An excellent way to do this is to use sage or incense to clear your Alexandrite of any negative vibrations it may have absorbed from other people or your immediate environment.

  • Once you have done this, hold the stone in your hand and take a few moments to “tune in” to its vibration. If you want to manifest something specific into your life, send positive intentions into the crystal in your hand.

  • A positive affirmation or intention should always be framed in the present tense, as if what you desire has already arrived for you. Be aware of the language you use, and always avoid telling the stone (and the energies of the Universe with which it is resonating) what you do not want!

  • If, for example, you want to attract a new partner, frame your intention of doing so by referring to all the qualities you want them to exhibit. Avoid any negatives, and do not refer to previous disasters in your love life.

  • Tell your crystal that you are exhibiting these desirable qualities since like attracts like in energetic terms. Your crystal will then be programmed to bring you what you have asked. Your job is to keep your vibration high and to maintain a positive and loving attitude.

  • Alexandrite as a Birthstone

  • Alexandrite is one of the birthstones for June, along with Pearl, and is associated with the sign of Gemini (May 21 – June 20) in the zodiac.

  • Geminis are naturally curious and always asking questions. They are intelligent and pick up new knowledge quickly. They also have a duality to their personalities, which is why Alexandrite can be a valuable crystal for them. They are quite capable of being both introverts and extroverts, depending on their mood.

  • Alexandrite can help Geminis to accept that it is OK to be alone. They often feel that their thoughts are too overwhelming, which is why they seek distraction in companionship. Alexandrite is ideal for helping Geminis come to terms with their own emotions and take back control in a co-dependent relationship.

  • Final Thoughts on the Power of Alexandrite

  • This crystal is beautiful to look at and to own and very helpful as an aid to better physical and emotional health.

  • It is protective and supportive of the aura, dispersing unwanted negative energies and promoting positive thoughts and behavior.

  • It brings peace of mind and hope to those in despair.

  • Alexandrite is a calming stone that promotes emotional maturity and encourages joy and happiness in everyday life.

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